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6 tips on finding an audience for medical research surveys

Find 6 effective tips on looking for an audience for medical research surveys

Feb 8, 2023


Finding the right audience for medical research surveys is essential. It can be hard to find the right people and get them to respond, but once you do and start seeing results you’ll see just how important it was. To help ease this process, we came up with six tips on how to get started with finding the right people for your studies:

1. Plan your next steps

When planning your next steps, consider the following:

  • What is the goal of your medical market research surveys?
  • Who are your target respondents? How many people should you reach out to? According to whom? In what ways do they prefer being contacted (email, phone, text)? Is this information publicly available or do they need permission from someone else before giving it out? If so, consider who can provide that permission. Also, keep in mind how soon they must provide it in order for you not to delay the start date of your project on account of their response time.

After you've thought about this, you can then move on to the next phase: building a panel for medical market research surveys. 

2. Build a panel

Before you can start marketing your survey, you need to make sure that people are going to be interested in taking it. One way to do this is by building a panel of respondents who you contacted before and who agreed to take surveys in the future.

You can create your own panel by sending email invitations or ads through social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. You'll want these ads targeted toward people who fit certain demographics. So, make sure that at least part of their profile information is visible when they click on them. You should also include some sort of incentive for taking part in medical market research surveys.

Once you've created this base group, maintain it by following up with those who don't respond immediately; give them another chance if they were busy when they first received the invitation! 

3. Use social media as a resource to build an audience from scratch

If you're looking to build an audience from scratch, start with a list of potential participants. You can do this by asking people who might know about your study or topic: doctors and patients, for example. Then use social media and search engines to find people who are interested in what you're doing. You can also try finding people who have participated in similar studies before.

Once you have a list of potential participants, you can start reaching out to them. You can use email or social media to let them know about your study and how they can participate. If they're interested, give them instructions on how to sign up for your study.

Social media is a great way to reach people. You can use social media to promote your survey and find interested participants. In addition, you can find those who have participated in similar studies before.

You can also use social media to promote the results of your survey when it’s finished. This can help you share findings with a wide audience. It can also get people interested in participating in future surveys.

Social media is a great way to reach a wide audience and engage with people who are interested in your topic. You can use hashtags to help you find people who are interested in your topic, then post surveys and collect responses from them through social media.

4. Use online communities for medical market research surveys

Online communities are a great place to find people who are interested in your topic and willing to take part in the research. You can use forums, social media groups, or other online communities to get the word out about your survey.

Additionally, if you want more people than just those who have signed up for your survey, consider posting it somewhere where it will reach an audience outside of the ones who've already signed up. For example:

  • Posting on Facebook groups related to health research surveys.
  • Tweeting at influencers within medical research.
  • Utilise social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook as well as professional networks like LinkedIn by posting about survey opportunities. In this way, potential participants can sign up directly from their accounts without having had prior contact with any organisation beforehand. 

5. Find people that have participated in similar studies before

If you are running a medical research survey and want to find participants, look for people who have previously participated in similar studies. These individuals are more likely to participate in future studies. They may also be more interested in your study because they know what it entails or have seen its benefits firsthand. Checking previous studies can help as well. For example you could check out the UK medical research council and see their past studies.

6. Use your contacts to find participants for medical research surveys  

If you're looking for a specific type of audience, like people who fit into a certain demographic or live in a particular area, start with the people who know them and ask them for help finding connections. One of the best ways to reach an audience for medical research surveys is to tap into the people who already know you and trust you. If they've been coming to see you for years, chances are good that they'll be willing to help out with a survey. Plus, if there's something specific about their health that concerns them (for example: "I've had trouble sleeping lately"), then asking them directly will help ensure that the correct kind of information is collected.

Finding the right audience is key to survey success, and these tips can help you achieve it

Finding the right audience is crucial for medical market research surveys, and these tips can help you achieve it:

  • Use your existing patients. If you have a large patient database, consider reaching out to them directly with your survey. For instance, you can email all your patients with a survey link. You'll want to make sure that the reward for participating is worth their time before making this decision; if not, they will likely decline or ignore the request altogether!
  • Offer a reward for participation. A great way to ensure that people take part in your study is by offering them something valuable in exchange (e.g., discounts on future purchases).
  • Use an incentive program. If you have a large patient database, consider offering an incentive program to get people involved in your survey. This could include point systems. You could also include other forms of rewards that respondents can redeem for discounts on services or other perks.

More tips to find the right audience for medical research surveys

One of the easiest ways to get started with medical research surveys is to tap into your existing patient database:

  • Email them with a link to the survey, or include it in a reminder email.
  • Offer a reward for participation.
  • Consider offering a discount on services if they participate.
  • Add a reminder about the survey on your website or social media pages.

Offer a reward for survey participation

Offering a reward for survey participation can help you attract more people to your survey. It's an effective strategy because it encourages people who wouldn't otherwise take the time out of their day to participate in the next set of medical research surveys.

The reward doesn't have to be expensive or elaborate. It can be as simple as offering a small gift card or discount code. Or you could offer free access to one of your products or services (like free shipping) for those who complete the survey within a certain timeframe. Another option is giving away prizes such as tickets to sporting events or concerts; if this is something that interests potential respondents, then it might work well for getting them interested!

Consider partnering with other organisations and businesses

Partnering with other organisations and businesses is another way to expand your survey audience. This can be especially helpful in getting the word out about your survey. It can be especially helpful if you don't have a large marketing budget or staff.

Examples of partnering with other organisations and businesses include:

  • Partnering with a healthcare provider that has an existing patient base.
  • Partnering with medical professionals who have access to large networks of people (e.g., doctors). They might share the link on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, or even create blog posts about it themselves!

Don’t rely on one method; mix it up!

Some ways to reach the right set of audience for your medical research surveys are:

  • Paid advertising: Facebook, Google AdWords, and other social media platforms offer paid advertising options that can help you reach a specific audience. You'll have to pay for every click or impression (the number of times your ad shows up online. However, this can be an effective way to reach people who are interested in your survey.
  • Free content-sharing platforms. Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter make it easy for anyone with an internet connection to share links with their friends and followers. Additionally, these sites are free!
  • Use them as much as possible. They're great ways of building awareness about your survey among potential participants who may not otherwise find out about it through traditional methods like email newsletters or advertisements.

Mixing up your methods will help you find a wider audience for your medical research surveys. You can use multiple methods to find an audience for your medical research surveys. Some of these are listed below:

  • Ask friends and family to share the survey with their network of friends and family, or even post it on social media pages that they are part of (e.g., Facebook groups).
  • Use online share buttons such as "Twitter" or "Facebook" at the bottom of your survey so people can easily share it with their own followers or friends or family members.

Some simple methods can help you with your medical research needs

Social media is a great place to start looking for participants. You can post your survey on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Or you could even create a YouTube video with the survey embedded in it. You can also use LinkedIn groups related to your field of study.

If you're looking for new ways to reach your audience, here are some things you can do:

  • Use social media. Social media is a great way to connect with people who would be interested in your surveys. You can also use it to spread the word about an incentive by offering a prize or other reward for completing the survey.
  • Look through contact lists. If you have any contacts who work at hospitals or clinics, ask them if they know of any patients who might fit into your target group and could potentially participate in one of your surveys (and then follow up by sending them links). This strategy works especially well when paired with existing patients. Since these people already trust their doctors' recommendations, they will likely be more willing to fill out medical research surveys from those same providers!
  • Partner with other organisations and businesses who share similar interests as yours. This could include partnering up with other healthcare providers within close proximity to each other (i.e., hospitals). Or you could even target non-profits focused on improving patient care outcomes.


The key to finding an audience is to be creative and try different methods. Don't get discouraged if one doesn't work out, just keep trying! If you have any questions about how to do this, please reach out to us here.

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