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How to run a global healthcare survey the right way?

Learn how to run a global healthcare survey in this post

May 31, 2023
B2B market research
B2C market research


Global healthcare surveys provide an overview of the healthcare landscape in your area. They help you determine how clients are feeling about the services they're receiving, who their providers are, and what's currently happening in their lives. Global healthcare surveys can also tell you what people think about your product or service offerings. This helps you identify areas of improvement and develop strategies to improve them.

What is a global healthcare survey?

A global healthcare survey is a research method used to collect information about the health of people, communities, and societies. The goal of this type of survey is to provide an overview of how well individuals are doing in terms of their overall health status.

Global healthcare surveys can be conducted by governments, public agencies or private organisations such as non-governmental organisations (NGOs). They often use questionnaires that ask participants about their lifestyle habits such as diet, physical activity levels, and smoking status. However, they may also ask them about other important aspects like access to quality care services or whether there are any barriers preventing them from accessing necessary treatment options.

Global healthcare surveys provide an overview of the healthcare landscape in your area

Governments and other organisations can use the results of a global healthcare survey can be used to inform future decisions and actions. These could be developing partnerships with local institutions or creating new programs to address a specific need.

Global surveys are also useful for identifying gaps in coverage. They also help in understanding how well people understand their health rights and responsibilities. They help governments plan for improvements to their healthcare systems by providing data on what services are needed most urgently. Additionally, they also give them insight into how people feel about them, whether they're satisfied with their current level of care or not.

In order to ensure that the data collected is accurate, it’s important that survey questions are as clear and simple as possible. It’s also important to make sure that there are no cultural biases or assumptions made about what people think they mean by their answers.

Why do you need a global healthcare survey?

A global healthcare survey is a research study of patients, doctors, and other healthcare professionals across multiple countries. Companies use them to gather information on how people perceive their own health and wellness. They also use them to find out whether they feel they're getting the right care at the right time.

Global surveys can be used for a variety of purposes:

  • Learn about the differences between regions or countries (e.g., how much money people spend on treatments vs how often they go to the doctor)
  • Compare trends over time (e.g., how do attitudes towards smoking change after laws are passed prohibiting it in public places?)

A global healthcare survey is a research study that aims to gather data from people in different countries around the world. The purpose of these surveys is to understand how individuals perceive their own health. It is also to understand the factors that influence it. Governments, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), corporations, and other institutions can use the results of a global healthcare survey. They can use them to develop better policies and programs related to public health issues. These could be disease prevention, treatment, and recovery; maternal care; child welfare; mental health care; etc.

Here are some reasons why you would want to run a global healthcare survey:-

  • You want to understand your customer's needs and expectations, both in terms of their experience with your product or service and their broader health.
  • You want to identify new opportunities for growth.
  • You're looking for ways to improve customer experience, retention, and loyalty.

How to run a global healthcare survey?

You need to find the right provider. You should also consider how much time you want to spend on your project. In addition, also think about how much money you're willing to spend on it. A good global healthcare survey will give you an overview of what's happening in your region.

A lot of companies are trying to do a global health survey and they don't really know where to start. So, they try to do it themselves without any experience or knowledge about how to run these surveys. The result is that they don't get the right results because they didn't pay attention to the details when preparing their questionnaires.

One of the most important things when doing a global healthcare survey is having an overview at all times: knowing how many patients were surveyed, which countries have been covered by the research, and what kind of questions were asked in each country/region (language). A global healthcare survey is a complex project that requires a lot of preparation and attention to detail. If you are not an expert in this field, it's advisable to hire one.

Conducting a global healthcare survey can be challenging for any organisation, even for experienced ones

For any organisation, conducting a global healthcare survey can be challenging. The process involves a lot of planning and execution, which can be difficult for even experienced organisations. In order to run a successful survey, you need to ensure that your survey design is appropriate for your target audience and meets their expectations.

What are some best practices to run a global healthcare survey?

If you want to conduct a global healthcare survey that provides you with valuable insights, then it is imperative that you follow these best practices.

  • Use language that is clear and easy to understand.
  • Avoid using jargon or technical terms in your questions. If there are any terms that need explaining, make sure they are explained clearly in the question itself (for example: "What is the purpose of this study?").
  • Keep it simple! The simpler the question wording and layout of the page, the better chance respondents have of understanding what you're asking.

The first step towards conducting a successful survey is to define your objectives clearly

Why are you conducting the survey? What do you want to learn from it? Do not waste time on unnecessary and redundant questions which may only serve as a distraction from the main purpose of your research. A well-designed questionnaire should help respondents understand what you're asking. It should also be clear about how their answers will be used.

When designing your survey, keep these points in mind:

  • Your goal should be clear enough while running your survey. This is so that participants can easily understand what they are being asked, why they are being asked such questions, and how to respond correctly.
  • How will you ensure that the survey is clear and easy to understand? Can respondents answer questions without any confusion or miscommunication? How will you validate your findings through data analysis?

Make your global healthcare survey easy to understand

You should make sure that respondents understand why they're being asked certain questions and what they're expected to say in their responses.

For example, let's say that you want to know how much time people spend exercising on a weekly basis. You can ask them directly: "On average, how many hours per week do you spend exercising?" This question is straightforward and easy for most respondents to answer. However, if your goal is to see whether or not people are staying physically active enough for their age group (and therefore need more exercise), then asking about specific activities isn't going to work very well. This is because it doesn't capture all of the ways people may be getting active throughout the day (e.g., walking up stairs instead of taking elevators). Instead of asking about specific activities or types of exercise, try asking questions like "On average how many days per week do you participate in physical activity?"

You can use the right kind of question format for collecting data as well

For example, if you are looking to gather feedback on a specific product or service, then a rating scale would be the best option. On the other hand, if you want to know what issues customers face with their healthcare providers in general and how they feel about them (such as appointment scheduling), then

The right kind of question format is also very important. It's tempting to use open-ended questions. However,  this can lead to biased results. This is because people are more likely to answer in a way that they think will be agreeable to the interviewer or give them higher scores on the survey.

The best way around this problem is through closed-ended questions which allow respondents only one answer option per question (e.g., yes/no). This ensures that all respondents provide consistent answers and eliminates any bias in their responses.

It is also important to provide contextual cues during the survey process 

For example, if you are asking about someone's symptoms, it would be helpful if you included an image of what those symptoms look like (e.g., "Do you have chest pain?"). This way, people who do not know what chest pain looks like can accurately answer your question.

It is also important to ask open-ended questions and avoid yes/no questions unless they are necessary. This will help you get more detailed responses from your audience. This can be useful when creating content or making decisions about treatment.

Another thing that you need to keep in mind is how long your survey should be

One of the most important things to keep in mind when running a global healthcare survey is how long your survey should be, as well as how often it needs to be conducted. You need to have a reliable sample size each time around. This is so that you can get accurate results and make good decisions based on them.

One way of doing this is by using a shorter survey with fewer questions. However, this means that it will take longer for each participant to complete the questionnaire. Another option would be using shorter versions of existing questionnaires with fewer questions (i.e., "shortened versions").

Follow these steps while conducting a global healthcare survey

While conducting global healthcare surveys can be challenging, if you follow these steps while putting together such programs, then there's no reason why they wouldn't deliver results on time!

  • Conducting a healthcare survey is a process that involves multiple parties. Make sure that all stakeholders are involved in the planning stage and understand their role in getting the job done. This will help avoid confusion later on when it comes to distributing tasks between different departments within your organisation.
  • Avoid using overly technical language when communicating with participants who may not have much experience answering questions about their health status or habits.Instead of using terms like "physician visits" and "cholesterol levels", try using simpler words such as "doctor visits" or "high cholesterol".

Who should conduct a global healthcare survey?

You should conduct a global healthcare survey if you are looking to gather insights on the overall health of your employees or patients. You may also want to conduct this type of research if you have offices in multiple countries. This is because it will help identify any gaps or opportunities for improvement across regions.

If none of these apply to your situation and you still want to conduct a global healthcare survey, ask yourself why? Are there specific questions that are not answered by current data sources? Are there new areas that need exploring? If so, then perhaps conducting an internal or external study is worth considering.

When should you conduct a global healthcare survey?

There are many factors that can help you decide when to conduct a global healthcare survey. If you have an upcoming product launch or need to know how well your current products are performing, then conducting a survey at this time would be ideal.

If your organisation is looking for ways to improve its customer service or patient experience, then conducting surveys at regular intervals will allow them to measure progress against their goals and objectives over time.

Finally, if you're looking for ways to improve the efficiency of your healthcare system by reducing waste and increasing productivity among staff members, then conducting regular surveys may be just what's needed!

How to ensure you get the best results from your global healthcare survey

When it comes to running a global healthcare survey, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

  • Your audience is not the same everywhere. The people who respond to your survey will likely come from different countries and cultures with unique perspectives on health-related issues. When developing your questions, make sure they're relevant to each region of the world where you plan on running your survey. This can help ensure that people give accurate responses that reflect their own personal experiences with healthcare.
  • Content is king! Your question wording should be clear and concise. This is so respondents know exactly what you're asking without any confusion or ambiguity.

The best way is to ask questions that are relevant and answerable

Here are some tips to ask relevant questions in a global healthcare survey:-

  • Keep it short and sweet. No one wants to spend more than a few minutes on these surveys, so keep them short and sweet. The best way is to ask questions that are relevant and answerable. In this way, your respondents can give you the information you need quickly.
  • Don't assume anything about who your respondents are or what their needs might be. 


In conclusion, conducting a global healthcare survey is not an easy task. It requires careful planning, implementation, and analysis of results in order to get the most out of these programs. Also check out our recent article: 5 common mistakes to avoid in a global healthcare survey.

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