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5 mistakes to avoid with a London B2B survey

An article explaining 5 mistakes to avoid with a London B2B survey

Dec 8, 2022
B2B market research


B2B market research is a unique and often challenging field. It requires a unique set of skills and knowledge, which means it can be difficult to know where to start with a London B2B survey. This article will help you avoid some common mistakes that prevent companies from getting the most out of their B2B research projects.

5 mistakes to avoid when conducting a London B2B survey

Let’s dive into 5 mistakes to avoid if you’re conducting a B2B survey in the next section.

1. Don't confuse a London B2B survey with B2C research

When it comes to B2B research, there are some key differences that should be taken into consideration when designing your London B2B survey.

  • The first is that you're dealing with a different market and target audience. In B2C research, you're targeting consumers who are more likely to make a one-off purchase. Your questions can therefore be simpler and more direct. This is because you don't need to rely on how much information people remember from one interaction with your brand or product. Moreover, this could be more difficult for someone who doesn't buy from you very often.
  • Another important factor is that many B2B interactions involve long-term relationships between companies. For example, banks may hold thousands of interactions every year with their customers across multiple channels. This means their initial experience might not always reflect the business relationship as a whole. They could have had one bad experience but still choose to use the bank again because they have faith in its overall services or brand image. If this was measured through traditional surveying methods such as an online questionnaire or phone call survey where feedback was collected immediately after each interaction took place, then it wouldn't accurately reflect whether clients had positive feelings toward their bank over time. This is because only short-term effects would have been considered during analysis rather than longer-term ones too. Therefore, when designing online surveys researchers should consider these points in mind. Find out more about B2B buying interactions in this blog post. 

2. Don't assume it's the same as B2C

A London B2B survey is different from a B2C survey. While both are designed to gather information about customer satisfaction, there are some key differences that you need to be aware of when planning your next B2B survey.

One of the main differences is that B2B customers are usually much more concerned with making decisions based on data than their consumer counterparts. They want evidence-based results. In addition, they may not spend as much time looking at promotions or "fluff" if they don't feel like the company is giving them what they're looking for.

So how do you create a B2B survey that will drive sales? Here are some tips for creating a London B2B survey that customers can't ignore:

-Keep it short and sweet. The average consumer is used to filling out long surveys, but B2B customers will be more interested in the results than anything else. Don't waste their time by asking them questions that don't matter or aren't relevant to their needs.

-Use specific language and avoid jargon. You want everyone who reads your survey to understand exactly what you mean and this includes customers who might not have experience in your industry.

-Keep things simple by using simple design elements (like plain white backgrounds) instead of flashy graphics or fancy fonts that may distract people from what they're reading.

3. Don't be afraid to ask questions that are outside your comfort zone

Ask questions that are important to you and your business. For example, if it’s a survey about employee engagement, ask people how they feel about their job and why. If the topic is product development, ask what features they want in future versions of your product or service.

Ask questions that are outside your comfort zone. If you don’t know much about what people think about a particular topic but it impacts the work of your company, this is an opportunity for learning. In addition, you can also develop new skills through this opportunity.

Think about what you can learn from the answers. Asking different kinds of questions will help you build on prior information. Plus, you'll get a perspective on things you already know (like how happy employees are at work).

You may find that some questions have more than one answer and can be interpreted in different ways. That’s okay! The point is to gather ideas from as many people as possible and not to get everyone on the same page about what they think about a particular topic.

To get the most out of your London B2B survey, ask questions that are open-ended and let people answer in their own words. This will allow you to get a better sense of what people think about a topic and why. You can also use some common survey tools like Google Forms or take advantage of free online tools from LinkedIn and Facebook.

4. Don't gloss over the importance of sample management

Sample management and survey design are important steps in the process of creating a survey that will yield accurate and meaningful results. Sampling is the process of choosing which respondents will be invited to take part in your survey. On the other hand, sampling design refers to how you decide what distribution breakdowns or quotas you require in your sample.

There are two types of sampling: probability and non-probability (sometimes called convenience). Probability sampling allows for random selection from a population and has strict rules about how the sample should be selected. However, it does not guarantee that each member of a target population has an equal chance of being selected as part of the study's sample. Non-probability methods, on the other hand, do not follow these rules. They are used when it is impossible or impractical to select at random from all members of a target population, such as when surveying employees at one company rather than people at several companies across the world. Learn more about probability and non-probability sampling here.

5. Don't forget about the numbers from your last London B2B survey

As you're planning your next survey, don't forget about the numbers from your last one. If you have a previous London B2B survey, use it as a starting point and see if there are any trends in the results. Look at your previous survey's results and see if there are any commonalities or patterns between them. Then use those findings as the basis for what questions to ask in this new survey.

This will help ensure that this new survey goes in a direction that makes sense for your business. It will no longer be an arbitrary list of questions meant to flesh out specific areas related to customer satisfaction or loyalty programs, which can sometimes be important but not always necessary depending on what type of company you run!

If you ask the right questions, you'll get useful answers

When you're conducting a London B2B survey, there's nothing more important than asking the right questions in the right way. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Ask good questions
  • Don't ask leading or misleading questions that don't give respondents any room to answer how they really feel
  • Keep your question wording clear and concise so that everyone understands what they're being asked
  • Ask at the right time
  • Don't wait too long before following up with someone who hasn't responded yet; if you do, it's likely that they'll forget about it entirely!

When designing a survey, it is important to consider the purpose of your research and who will be taking part in it. This will help you decide which sampling method is most appropriate for your study. If you're going to send a follow-up survey, make sure it's sent within 24 hours of the initial request. In addition, don't bombard your respondents with surveys; make sure you have enough information before sending another one! If possible, keep your survey between five and ten questions long. This will help ensure that people don't get overwhelmed by all of the questions they need to answer.


It's not easy to ask the right questions, but it's essential if you want to get the best results. We've covered five mistakes that can trip up even experienced researchers and ways to avoid them. But don't let any of this stop you from asking hard questions, the more you know about your audience, the better off your survey will be! If you're looking for more information on London B2B surveys, we've recently published an article on the same topic. Check out our blog on 'An introduction to London B2B market research companies’.

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