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A B2C survey explained: How to run one and more

A post on what a B2C survey is, how to run one and more

Oct 24, 2022
B2C market research


B2C surveys or consumer surveys are used to gather information from the people you serve. The results of these surveys can help you make decisions about products and services, as well as improve customer satisfaction. Consulting companies like PWC run annual consumer-focused surveys too. To get the latest insights from PWC’s annual consumer pulse survey, check this post

What is a business-to-consumer (B2C) survey?

A business-to-consumer (B2C) survey is a survey that is conducted directly with consumers. A B2C survey is typically conducted online or by mail. While most businesses have some sort of customer feedback mechanism in place, conducting a B2C survey can help you gather additional information about your target market. With such a survey, you can also establish yourself as an industry leader.

A B2C survey can be used to collect feedback on a product or service. For example, if you sell beauty products online and have launched two new lines of skin care products, you could use a B2C survey to ask customers whether they'd be interested in trying them out before purchasing them. If the response rate is high enough, this data will give you confidence that your new products are worth producing at scale because there is enough demand.

How to run a B2C survey

A B2C survey is an opportunity for you to gather information from your customers so you can better understand their needs. Ultimately, you can improve the overall customer experience with a B2C survey. It can also help you identify areas where there are disconnects between the brand and consumers. All of this means that it's important to keep research findings in mind as you develop new products or services.

The first step in running a successful B2C survey is deciding what questions will be included. You can then decide who should be surveyed and where they should be asked these questions. These decisions will depend on what data points are most important for your company. However, it's often helpful to start by thinking about which metrics have been impacted by recent changes made within marketing or product development teams. Alternatively, you can consider external factors such as price changes at competitors' stores to get an idea of metrics.

For example, if you've recently updated your product and want to know how well it's working, you can ask questions about the design (what do people like best about it?), price (why aren't people making purchases?), and overall user experience. On the other hand, let's say that your company is launching a new product line or service and wants feedback on what features are most important for consumers to consider when making a purchase decision. You'll want to include these items in your survey as well.

The number of questions depends on how long you want the survey to be. In addition, you should consider what information is most important for you to gather from respondents. The more questions that are included, the longer the survey will take for people to complete and the more likely they'll drop out before finishing.

Benefits of running a B2C survey

A B2C survey is a great way to get insights into what your customers want and need. Not only will you gain added value through understanding better what drives them, but there are other benefits as well.

  • A better understanding of customers: Knowing exactly how your customer responds to specific products and services allows you to improve the quality of them. This is done by making small changes that can have a big impact on customer satisfaction.
  • Better understanding of what customers want: A good survey can provide an abundance of data about why people buy from you or choose not to buy from you. This information will help shape future product development, advertising campaigns, and marketing strategies. In this way, they’re more likely to resonate with consumers' current needs and wants.
  • Better understanding of how to improve customer service: By asking open-ended questions about their experiences with your business (i.e., “What could have made this experience better?”), you can learn which areas need improvements. In this way, you can work on making changes for future customers who may be dissatisfied with their interactions with you. Thus, you can circumvent potential negative reviews.

How to create a B2C survey

To create a B2C survey, you’ll need to be clear on three things:

  • What is the purpose of your survey? If it is not clear and concise, then no one will know what they are being asked.
  • Who should fill out this survey? Is it for all customers or just current customers? Do you want to get feedback from friends and family as well?

Your audience matters because if they are familiar with your product or service, they may give more in-depth feedback than someone who doesn’t know much about what you do.

How to analyse B2C survey results

There are several steps to analysing B2C survey results:

  • Review the data. You should always review your survey results and look for patterns in the data. Data can be broken down into specific numbers, percentages or charts, and graphs. Use this information to help you understand how well your business is performing, which areas need improvement and what actions you should take next.
  • Analyse customer feedback. What did customers like about their experience with your company? What made them feel better about their purchase? Where did they have problems or concerns? These are all questions that you want to answer by analysing your survey results so that you can improve upon future customer service experiences with your company.

Analyse the data from your survey in relation to your business goals. What does this mean? By analysing survey results, you can gain a better understanding of what customers actually want and how well your company is meeting their needs. This information can help guide your business decisions moving forward.

What are the different types of questions for B2C surveys

There are a few different types of questions you can ask when running a B2C survey. Open-ended questions are the best ones to use if you want to get in-depth responses from your audience. This is because they allow you to gather more data about their experiences. In addition, they give you more information than what’s contained in other types of questions. Close-ended questions can be useful for getting simple or specific answers. However, they don’t allow users to express themselves as much as open-ended questions do.

Multiple-choice questions are also good at getting specific information out of your audience members. But, they might not give you as much insight into their thoughts and feelings on an issue as other options would. Rating scales let people choose between different options based on how they feel about a subject or topic. This information could be useful if you have an opinion poll that needs input from several different perspectives. For instance, the question “Would you rather see less advertising?” can use a rating scale.

So, why do more businesses not use surveys

Surveys are time-consuming and can be expensive. They take time to create, analyse, and distribute—not to mention the fact that they’re often confusing for customers. For these reasons, many businesses don’t use surveys as frequently as they might like.

But if your business is serious about improving its customer service or sales efforts in the long term, surveys are a great way to do it. In fact, some companies spend significant amounts on survey tools every year just so their teams have access to reliable data about their customers' experiences with their products or services. This kind of information could help them make better decisions in real-time.

Conducting B2C surveys can be helpful for your business

It's important to keep in mind that B2C surveys are a great way to get feedback from customers, prospective customers, and employees. Additionally, they can also be used as an opportunity for suppliers and partners to provide their input on your business.

A well-designed survey will make it easier for people in these groups of stakeholders to provide useful information about what your company does well. In addition, the survey can also provide information on where improvements can be made. To make this happen, you need to craft your survey in a way that makes it easy for people to provide useful feedback. For more information on these surveys, check out our post 'Everything you need to know about a B2C survey' here. 


If you’ve decided that running a survey is the right fit for your business, then we have some great news for you. At GrapeData, we specialise in conducting B2C surveys in niche communities all over the world. With our platform of 350k contributors, you can get actionable insights from knowledgeable individuals all over the world. Our app uses AI to match respondents to your specific data needs, providing a rewarding experience for them to complete surveys from anywhere in the world. If you'd like to learn more, please drop us a line at sales@grape-data.com

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