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Examples of questions for surveys for healthcare professionals

An article describing various examples of questions for surveys for healthcare professionals

Jan 3, 2023

Introduction to surveys for healthcare professionals

Surveys are a great way to get healthcare professionals talking. Whether you're trying to learn about their preferences, habits, or experience with a product or service, surveys can help you get all the information you need from your target audience. Here are some examples of questions you can use when creating surveys for healthcare professionals:

Types of questions in surveys for healthcare professionals

Surveys for healthcare professionals are a kind of questionnaire to gather data from professionals about their health and well-being. Such surveys allow a researcher to gauge the overall health, and sentiment on healthcare services provided.

Moreover, surveys for healthcare professionals can describe the level of healthcare the public is being offered. In addition, these types of surveys can also give guidance about health insurance coverage and policies. In some instances, health surveys can be conducted to understand specific diseases by conducting many of these to track trends. This process allows the researcher to make appropriate decisions accordingly. These surveys are an effective tool to collect data from a large population or a target group. Depending on the nature of surveys for healthcare professionals, many different types of surveys can be conducted.

Having talked about the importance of surveys for healthcare professionals, let's now get into the various types of questions that can be asked in these surveys. 

Concerning the professional

  • Education and training. How long have you been in this field? What did your education entail?
  • Experience. Have you worked with similar patients before? If so, when was the last time, and what were some of the outcomes?
  • Job description. What is your title and description of duties at the company/hospital/practice where you work now?
  • Patient load. How many patients do you see per day (on average)? Is there an average patient load for your department or specialty group?
  • How much of your time is spent on direct patient care?
  • What percentage of your time is spent doing administrative tasks?
  • Are there any trends in this department, and how do you contribute to them?
  • What’s your schedule like?
  • How many days off per week do you get, and how often are these days scheduled (are they random or planned)?

Their experience as healthcare professionals

  • What was your experience with the healthcare system?
  • What was your experience with [product/service]?
  • How would you rate your experience with [company]?
  • What was your experience with [industry]?
  • How would you rate the team’s communication and follow-up skills?
  • How would you rate the team’s responsiveness to your needs and requests?
  • What would you say about the team’s ability to deliver on their promises?
  • What was the quality of work done by [company]?

Knowledge about a product/service

  • What do you like about the product/service?
  • How do you use it?
  • What would improve your experience with it?

About on-the-job challenges or tasks

  • What challenges do you face on the job?
  • How do those challenges affect your ability to perform tasks?
  • What tasks do you need help with?
  • How have these tasks affected your ability to perform them effectively at work, and how could they be improved?
  • What is your thought process behind deciding your priorities? 
  • How do you prioritise tasks at work?
  • What are some ways that you could improve this process?

Using surveys to get healthcare professionals talking is a great way to learn from them

Surveys are used to get healthcare professionals talking. They can be used to learn from them, improve the quality of care, and improve the quality of life for healthcare professionals.

As you develop your healthcare marketing strategy, it's important to remember that the way people interact with your brand is changing. A growing number of healthcare consumers are using mobile devices to search for products and services. According to research from Google, over 50% of all website traffic now comes from mobile devices. This means that any marketer who wants their business to thrive in today's environment needs a strong digital presence that has been designed around users' preferences when they're on the move.

Surveys for healthcare professionals can collect feedback about satisfaction, quality of care, and experience. They’re also an excellent way to get healthcare professionals to talk about their roles and what they need to do their jobs better. Surveys are an effective way to gather information while allowing the provider an opportunity to provide feedback without feeling like they’re being put on the spot. Additionally, surveys for healthcare professionals are extremely important in healthcare market research. But what is healthcare market research and how do surveys play into it? Let's explore this in detail in the following section. 

In today's fast-paced and competitive market, it's important to stay on top of your industry. This may mean looking at what other companies are doing and how they're doing it. It could also mean researching the needs and wants of your target audience so you can create the most effective content possible. But how do you know if you're getting in touch with the right audience? Let's take a closer look at how surveys for healthcare professionals can help us understand patients better.

Surveys in healthcare market research are important to understand your target audience

When it comes to defining your target audience, there are a few important factors you should keep in mind. First, understand who your target audience is. Identify what their needs and wants are, as well as the demographics of this group. A good place to start is by looking at past research that has already been done on your topic area or about similar products or services (if available). Next, look at the psychographics of your customer base: what motivates them? How does this play into their purchasing decisions? Finally, identify any gaps in knowledge and conduct additional research until you feel confident that you know exactly who will benefit from using your product or service.

Understand Healthcare Trends through market research

  • What are the trends in healthcare?
  • What do you need to know about them and how can you use this information to make better decisions for your organisation?
  • How can research help you understand healthcare trends?

If you're looking to understand trends in healthcare, check out BlackRock's healthcare sector outlook for 2022 here.

Create More Effective Content

Market research helps you understand your target audience. It allows you to know their pain points and frustrations, as well as their interests and hobbies. Knowing this will allow you to create more effective content that is relevant to your target audience. The way that you do this is through surveys for healthcare professionals.

For example, if you're trying to reach people with a certain age range, they may be interested in different things than an older generation would be interested in. If your audience is primarily made up of young adults (20-35), then it makes sense for the majority of your content on social media or websites to be about music and movies rather than politics or health care policy issues like universal coverage.

For a guide on creating effective healthcare content, check out this article.

Create a Clinically Accurate Brand Voice

The importance of having a clinically accurate brand voice cannot be stressed enough. A brand's voice is the way you present yourself to your customers and patients, and it's crucial that it be consistent with your target audience. This means avoiding jargon, acronyms, and overly technical terms. It also means using words that are relevant to the situation at hand—words that are easy to understand and remember.

Healthcare market research can help you reach your target audience more effectively

The importance of understanding your audience cannot be overstated. Your patients are unique, and unless you know exactly who they are, how they behave, and what they want from you, it will be difficult for you to connect with them in a meaningful way.

Market research can help provide this kind of information by helping you understand the needs and preferences of your potential customers. Once armed with this knowledge, healthcare providers can take steps to tailor their products or services around these preferences while also providing content that resonates with them on an emotional level.

The healthcare market is worth trillions of dollars, and it’s growing every year. With so many opportunities for growth, it can be tempting to dive right in. But just because something looks good on paper doesn’t mean it will work in practice—and that goes double if you're trying to reach a new audience. If you want your company to thrive in this sector, then research is key. It may take some time and effort upfront, but the payoff could be worth it: when you understand your target audience better than anyone else does (or at least better than anyone else has bothered trying), then they'll come back again and again!

If you're looking for more resources on healthcare market research, we have just the right post for you. Our post titled 'What is healthcare market research and why do you need it' goes into detail about this topic. Check it out now!


The best way to get healthcare professionals talking is by asking the right questions. Asking relevant, interesting, and thought-provoking questions will ensure that you receive high-quality feedback from your audience. Additionally, it’s important to keep in mind that surveys can be used as part of any marketing strategy to gather valuable insights about your target audience. So make sure you take advantage of all the ways they can help your business grow!

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