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Expert network industry: What is it and how does it work?

An article describing the expert network industry and how it works

Feb 12, 2023
B2B market research
B2C market research


The expert network industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. One can attribute its growth to several factors including increasing demand for information provided by experts, and increased outsourcing by companies and firms. In addition, there have been technological advances that allow for instantaneous communication between experts and their clients or employers. The expert network industry has expanded beyond its origins in the United States into other regions such as Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America.

GLG, headquartered in the U.S., was the first expert network to ever exist in 1998. The main function of an expert network is to provide companies with access to the people they need in order to complete projects, and then help them connect with those experts. In this post, we'll look at the expert network industry in detail.

Expert network industry: What is it and how does it work?

Expert networks are a type of business-to-business relationship in which a company (the client) and an expert or a group of experts (the suppliers) work together to help each other achieve their goals. The client uses the network to find experts in their field. On the other hand, the experts use the network to make themselves known to interested clients.

The relationship between these two parties takes many different forms. One can structure it in various ways depending on what works best for both parties. However, there are some common features that all expert networks share:

  • Expertise level - The first thing any potential member must have is expertise; otherwise, they cannot provide value for others through this kind of relationship.
  • Networking capabilities - The second most important characteristic is good networking skills; these include communication skills and being able to quickly identify opportunities within an industry as well as outside it.

Expert networks are a form of online matchmaking service that connects businesses with experts. They help businesses find the right people for their projects and vice versa. Expert networks have been around since the 1990s and have grown significantly in recent years as more companies rely on freelancers as part of their workforce. This is becoming an increasingly important sector of the digital economy, but it's also subject to regulatory scrutiny.

Expert networks are usually subscription-based services that allow businesses to post jobs and receive bids from freelancers. Professionals who want to find new contract opportunities also use them.

Challenges facing the expert network industry

There are several challenges facing the expert network industry, including:

  • Regulatory challenges. Expert networks have faced scrutiny from regulators in several countries, as they do not provide clients with legal advice or recommendations.
  • Technological challenges. Because expert networks rely on technology to facilitate communication between experts and clients, there is concern about the security and reliability of communications.
  • Increased competition from other technologies like virtual reality solutions which eliminate the need for face-to-face meetings (e.g., SalesForce).
  • The anonymity of network members can be problematic when it comes to compliance issues such as anti-money laundering or counter-terrorism or financing regulations. This is because these laws require identification verification before gaining access to certain information or services.

Expert networks usually list experts by their area of expertise and by the types of projects they have worked on before. Companies looking for an expert might use these listings to find one that fits their needs, then contact the person directly through the network website. If there are any questions about the project or how best to proceed, experts can provide advice over email or phone calls until everything is settled on both sides, which saves time and money for everyone involved!

Expert network industry revenue growth

The expert network industry is growing at a rapid pace. Additionally, it is growing at a healthy rate. In 2021, experts valued this industry at $1.5 billion. One can find expert networks in virtually every industry. However, medical professionals, small businesses, and entrepreneurs use the largest expert networks. One can expect the size of this market to increase dramatically over time as more people become aware of its potential benefits for both experts and companies.

The expert network industry is here to stay. According to a recent article in Forbes, “expert networks provide an adjacent growth opportunity for traditional talent organisations and freelance platforms.” This is because the industry also serves freelancers who are looking to grow their income. Read the full Forbes article here.

Expert networks are critical for businesses and individuals looking for high-quality information from experts in various fields. These experts provide their knowledge and insights through an online platform. The platform allows them to connect with other professionals on an individual basis or as part of a larger group project such as an event or conference.

The expert network industry is growing rapidly because it offers practical solutions for countless business needs across multiple industries. Expert networks provide valuable information in areas such as sales, marketing, branding, finance, HR management, and other areas critical to growth and success in today's marketplace.

Expert networks can help businesses find the right people for the right job. They provide a way to connect with experts to find out more about their skills, expertise, and experience. In addition, they provide a platform where experts can share knowledge and insights with other professionals.

What problem does the 'expert network industry solve'?

Expert networks are companies that provide access to experts in a specific field. Businesses, including small and large companies, use expert networks to help them solve problems.

Expert networks can be used to help with a wide range of business problems. Some examples include finding a new supplier or evaluating a new market. Their goal is to make it easier for your company to find the right people for your project, regardless of where they work or what industry they're in.

An expert network can be a great solution for your business if you're looking to:

  • Find experts in specific fields and hire them as consultants.
  • Discover experts with the right knowledge to help solve your business problems.
  • Build relationships with other companies that have the same challenges as yours.

Expert networks are a type of B2B network that connects businesses with experts and advisers. Businesses can use expert networks in all sorts of industries, including law, accounting, and consulting. The idea is that a company wants to hire or consult with an expert but doesn't want to deal with the hassle of finding one on its own. Instead, they join an expert network where experts who match their needs will find them (and vice versa).

How does the expert network industry work?

The expert network industry works through matching experts with companies that need their services. The process is fairly straightforward. A company may be looking for an expert in a specific field. Or, it may want to find someone who has a broad range of skills in various areas. In either case, they use an expert network platform to post jobs they have available and then wait for experts to apply. Experts can also browse through job listings on the platform. This means that the right person will be able to find them when a company needs them.

Companies pay companies when they hire an expert. Experts should also keep track of their hours spent as part of each assignment. In this way, they can submit invoices at the end of each month or quarter depending on how long it took them to complete their tasks. Expert networks can be a great resource for companies looking to outsource some of their workloads. They allow them to find qualified experts who are already trained in specific fields. Additionally, they are willing to work on a contract basis for a set fee. This helps companies save money on training costs as well as salaries and benefits. This means they have more funds available for other projects that need attention.

Expert networks are subject to regulatory scrutiny

As the expert network industry becomes more popular, regulatory scrutiny is also increasing. Regulatory bodies are concerned about the potential for fraud and conflicts of interest that may arise when people pay third parties to connect them with experts in their field. While some experts are happy to share their expertise for free online, many do not want to be contacted by any person who happens across their work online or in a database. The ability of an expert to say “no” without penalty is important if they are going to be able to do their best work and remain true professionals.

Experts should take care when working with an expert network. Before agreeing to join one, ask what kind of information you will have available on your profile page. You should also ask how much control you will have over what information appears there. Also, make sure that joining an expert network won't compromise your privacy or security. For instance, check if the platform has access to sensitive personal information such as financial data or medical records.

A related concern is that expert networks may be prone to a conflict of interest. People who use these services get a lot of value from them. But those who run them are typically paid by their members. This creates an incentive for the platforms to inflate membership numbers and make it easier for people looking for experts and to contact them.

The expert network industry: A type of outsourcing

Expert networks are a type of outsourcing. They provide access to highly skilled experts, allowing organisations to solve problems they otherwise wouldn't be able to solve in-house.

Expert networks help you identify the best people for the job. So you can be rest assured that your project is in good hands.

Expert networks are especially helpful when only a specialist can solve the problem you have. For example, if you're looking to hire an expert network engineer to help build your company's website, you wouldn't want just any web developer. You'd want someone with extensive experience in this field.

Expert networks are a type of outsourcing service that allows companies to connect with experts in various fields, who can provide consulting services or other forms of assistance. Expert networks are useful for companies that need specialised help in a particular area and don't have the necessary internal resources to provide it.

The main functions of an expert network include:

- Providing access to specialised knowledge and skills needed by a company

- Helping companies find experts who are well-suited to their needs

- Managing the relationship between the company and its experts

Global growth of the expert network industry has been rapid in recent years

The global expert network industry has been growing rapidly in recent years, and it's expected to continue growing through 2022. They are popular with businesses and individuals who use them to find experts in various fields, including finance, law, and engineering.

The expert network industry is highly fragmented, with a number of players in the market. The market for expert networks has grown rapidly in recent years and experts predict that it will continue growing at an increasing rate over the next few years.

Expert network companies provide access to subject matter experts (SMEs) who can help companies develop products, improve manufacturing processes and solve other business problems. The industry is highly fragmented, with a number of players in the market providing similar services. The expert network industry is subject to regulatory and technological change but continues to experience strong growth.

It is also poised for growth as it faces increasing competition from AI-based tools and services.


Expert networks are important for businesses because they help them expand their knowledge base. This, in turn, allows them to get better at what they do. They are also important for businesses because they allow them to access experts who can provide information that is outside of the business's area of expertise.

The value that an expert network adds to businesses comes from two main things: information and relationships. Expert networks provide businesses with information about how to do their job better. In addition, they connect them with experts who can give advice and guidance on topics where they have no experience or expertise. They also help businesses develop relationships with experts who can help them in the future when they need advice or support with a particular problem or task.

To understand them better, let's take a hypothetical example. Imagine that company XYZ has created a platform that connects researchers and academics with companies looking for research help in order to develop new products or services. This allows researchers and academics to monetise their knowledge by providing it through this platform. At the same time, it allows companies to get access to research that would otherwise be difficult or impossible for them to find on their own.

The expert network industry is highly fragmented, but it continues to experience strong growth. The industry is subject to regulatory scrutiny and technological change, but it remains here to stay. Wondering how to find and work with the top expert network firms? We’ve got just the right post for you here.

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