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How to use a B2B survey to understand your customers

Learn how to use a B2B survey to understand your customer needs

Feb 15, 2023
B2B market research


Surveys are a great way to understand your customers' needs. They can help you see what's working, what isn't, and how you can improve your business. But, what exactly is a B2B survey? It's the same type of survey that many companies use to gather feedback from their customers and audience members. Except, a B2B survey is for businesses-to-business (B2B) companies such as manufacturers, wholesalers, and other similar organisations that sell directly to other businesses rather than consumers. A B2B survey will usually take less time than a consumer survey. However, there are some things you should know before starting one:

Start with a survey template for your B2B survey

A well-designed survey will save you time. It will also make it easier to get the right answers from your customers, but it's hard to know how to create one on your own. Luckily, plenty of templates available online can help you get started.

It's a good idea to keep the survey short and sweet, but if you have time and resources, consider adding more questions. You'll be able to get more specific feedback that way.

Asking the right questions is key to getting good data. You want to ask open-ended questions and make sure that your questionnaires aren't too long or too confusing for people to complete.

Here are some tips for writing great B2B survey questions:

  • Ask specific questions about what matters most to your business and its customers. The more specific you can be in asking about a topic, the better chance you'll have of getting useful results. For example, instead of asking "Do you like our product?", ask "What would make it easier for us to improve?" This gives people an opportunity not just to say they like something but to give actual suggestions on how it can be improved upon.
  • Make sure each question has only one answer option. Avoid double negatives (e.g., "I don't disagree" vs "I agree"), as this could lead to incorrect answers because the data was answered incorrectly.
  • Ask questions that are easy to answer. You can accomplish this by writing out the question in full before you ask it. Additionally, make sure there are no words or phrases that need further explanation.

Before you start designing a B2B survey, it's important to consider who will be taking it. If you're targeting a specific audience (like women between 35-45 years old), make sure your survey reflects that audience's demographic. It's also helpful to include questions about the company taking the survey so that you can get more accurate results.

Once you've decided on a topic for your survey, it's time to create some questions! Try asking open-ended questions like "Why did you choose our company?" or "What do you wish we sold?" rather than closed-ended questions like "How likely are you to recommend us?" This will allow respondents more space to express their thoughts and feelings as well as give them more flexibility in answering questions honestly without feeling pushed into a certain response option.

Make sure that all of your questions have clear instructions so respondents know exactly what information they're supposed to provide.

Why use a B2B survey?

Surveys are a great way to understand your customers' needs.

Surveys help you understand the needs of your customers by asking them questions about their preferences and priorities. This information can be used to target your marketing efforts, improve products or services, and make smarter business decisions in general.

Surveys can be a powerful tool for understanding your customers and improving the way you do business. They allow you to gather valuable information about your target audience, which helps you identify needs and develop strategies for meeting them.

You can use surveys to learn more about your customers, and you don't need to be an expert in data analysis to get results. A B2B survey can help you understand how your customers feel about your product or service, how they use it, and what they expect from it. They can also be used to measure customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as uncover areas for improvement.

Let's look at some more reasons why you would want to use a B2B survey:

  • To understand your customers' needs. A B2B customer survey can be used to get feedback on everything from product features to pricing, customer service, and more. By asking the right questions and collecting responses from qualified prospects or customers in your target market, you can learn what they like about you. Additionally, you can also find out where there's room for improvement. This information will help guide future decisions about how best to serve them. It may even help convince new clients that they should work with you rather than someone else!
  • To improve your business practices overall. The information gathered through a B2B customer satisfaction survey can also help identify areas where additional training is needed. 

How to create a B2B survey

A B2B survey is a tool that can be used for market research, but only if you know how to use it correctly.

It's important to understand the difference between a B2B survey and a B2C survey. A B2C survey is meant for consumers and may ask questions about their buying habits or preferences. A B2B survey is meant for business owners and managers who are looking for information about their customers' needs and preferences.

For more differences between B2B and B2C research, check out this article.

When using a B2B survey, you want to focus on specific areas that will help you understand what your customers want from you. Your goal is to gain insight into your industry. This is so that you can better serve your customers by providing them with what they need.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when creating your B2B survey:

  • Use a survey template. You can find many templates online, or you can create your own with Google Docs or Microsoft Word. Make sure the questions are relevant to your business and easy to understand by customers.
  • Make sure the questions are easy for customers to answer. If the question takes more than two sentences for someone unfamiliar with its subject matter, it may not be effective at gathering useful information from respondents (or even getting them through all of their responses).
  • Include enough questions! The more information that you collect from each respondent, the more valuable it becomes.

Additionally, in order to create a B2B survey, you'll need to:-

  • Create a survey template. This will be the basis for all of your future surveys and should contain all the elements that make up your research project. You can use built-in survey templates or create one from scratch using PowerPoint or Word.
  • Choose which questions to ask in this particular survey based on what you hope to learn about your customers' preferences, needs, and behaviours.

Using your data from the B2B survey

The most important thing to understand is that a B2B survey can be used to learn more about your customers, improve your business and make better decisions.

  • Use the data to understand your customers: Collecting information on what they want and need will help you better serve them in the future.
  • Use the data to improve your business: You'll learn which products or services are selling well, which ones aren't doing so well, who's buying from competitors instead of from you, and why they're doing so (or vice versa). This can help identify areas where improvements need to be made before moving forward with any new offerings or changes in strategy.
  • Use the data for better decision-making: Whether it's deciding how much money should be spent on advertising campaigns or figuring out whether there's enough demand for a product, having access to this type of information helps businesses in planning and forecasting.

Once you have collected the data from your B2B survey, you can use it to make decisions. You can also use this information to improve your business and its products or services. You may find out that there are some areas where you need to improve marketing and website functionality in order for customers to feel more satisfied with their experience with your company.

Surveys are a great way to understand your customers' needs

You can use surveys to learn more about your customers. In addition, you can find out what they think of your products and services. This process will help you make better decisions about them in the future. You don't need to be an expert in data analysis or statistics; simple tools like Google Forms will allow you to create and analyse surveys easily without any programming knowledge required.

Surveys are also a great way to gather feedback from your customers. In addition, you can find out if they're satisfied with your business. After all, nothing is worse than spending hours working on something only to find out that no one likes it!

The way to use a B2B survey for market research is to get the most out of your data.

When we talk about getting the most out of your data, we're talking about two things:

1. Collect as much information as possible from your survey participants so that you can make sure that you've covered all of the bases and don't miss anything.

2. Using the information collected from your survey participants to help you better understand where your business stands in comparison to others in your industry. Additionally, you can gauge areas of improvement in order to succeed. 

Use the insights from a B2B survey to improve your business

Once you've completed your survey, it's time to analyse the results. You can use the insights from your survey to improve your business. Your customers will appreciate that you're listening to them and taking action on their feedback. This process will help build trust in your brand.

So, what are some ways that you can use your survey results to benefit your business? You could make changes in the way you do things to reflect the feedback you've collected. For example, if people said they'd like a way to contact customer service without having to wait on hold, then maybe you could hire more staff or develop an online chat option so that customers have another option for getting their questions answered right away.

Here are a few things to keep in mind before you can generate insights from a B2B survey:

  1. Determine what your goals are. Do you want to understand the needs of your customers better? Are you looking for ways to improve sales and marketing efforts? Or do you just want to get more information about what people think about your products and services? It’s important that you have clear goals before moving forward with any type of market research because this will help guide your decision-making process.
  2. Choose a platform that fits your needs. There are many different types of surveys available online today and each one serves a specific purpose or provides data in a specific format. You may need multiple types of surveys depending on what information you’re trying to collect (e.g., quantitative vs qualitative). For example, if you’re trying to understand what customers think about your company then it might be useful to conduct both quantitative and qualitative surveys.


A B2B survey is a great way to understand your customers' needs. Surveys can help you understand what your customers want, how they use your products, and why they choose one product over another. You can use this information to improve the quality of your product or services. Additionally, you can use this information to make them more relevant to what people really need.

A business-to-business (B2B) survey is any type of survey that asks questions about the business world. These surveys are often used to gain information on customers' satisfaction with a product or service, but they can also be used to collect feedback about market trends and competitive intelligence.

A B2B survey is different from a consumer survey because it's administered to businesses and other organisations instead of individuals. Surveys sent out through email, online forms, and other digital channels are available to anybody who wants to take them. 

There are many reasons why businesses may want to use B2B surveys as part of their market research strategy:

1) To gain insights into how your target audience feels about your product or service

2) To get feedback on new products or services

3) To understand how your competitors are doing in terms of quality and value

4) To measure customer satisfaction levels

5) To find out who are your best customers and why?

If you found this article useful, you may also want to check out: B2B survey questions to ask.

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