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Understanding how to run a B2B oncology survey

How to run a B2B oncology survey explained

Mar 12, 2023
B2B market research


McKinsey’s outlook on oncology suggests that it is the world’s largest pharmaceutical therapeutic area and highly competitive. Healthcare providers need a way to reach out to their customers in order to give them information about new treatments and services. It also means that those same healthcare providers need a way to understand what those customers really want from them so that they can provide those things appropriately. A B2B oncology survey can help your business understand its customers better. This can help make sure you provide them with the best possible service and make sure they're as satisfied with your product or services as possible.

What is a B2B oncology survey?

An oncology survey is a type of questionnaire that can be used to gather information about the experiences of people who have been diagnosed with cancer. Oncology surveys are often conducted as part of research studies. However, doctors who want to learn more about their patients' needs or preferences also use them. An example of a B2B oncology survey would be a consulting firm surveying oncologists in a hospital to know what kind of technology they use in their day-to-day lives.

To define a B2B oncology survey, you'll need to consider:

  • What is the purpose of running a B2B oncology survey?
  • Who is the target audience for a B2B oncology survey?

A B2B oncology survey is a tool for collecting feedback from B2B customers. It can be used to understand your customers' needs, measure their satisfaction and loyalty, or capture other important data. On the other hand, B2B oncology surveys are typically conducted by companies that sell products or services directly to other businesses (for example, consulting firms). Resellers of products or surveys can also use a B2B oncology survey when they want to better understand their customers' needs. 

The goal of a B2B oncology survey is to gather information about your customers' needs, preferences, and expectations. This may include things like:

-What types of services or products are they interested in purchasing?

-What type of customer are they? (for example, large corporation or small business owner)

-What are their pain points? (What are the problems they’re trying to solve?)

-How much does this customer spend on average?

Why use an oncology survey?

There are a number of reasons why you should consider running a B2B oncology survey. The first is to understand your customers better. By doing this, you can make sure that they are receiving the best possible service from your business. You also make sure that they are satisfied with the product or service they receive. If there are areas of improvement in products or services that your business offers, these will also be identified by running an oncology survey.

Any company can conduct a B2B oncology survey. They must have an in-depth knowledge of oncology, as well as patient care, treatment options, and clinical trials. This person should also be able to ask questions in a way that will get the most accurate answers from respondents.

The ideal candidate will be able to analyse the data collected during this process. They will also be able to provide actionable insights so that your organisation can make informed decisions based on what it learns through its research efforts.

The best time to do an oncology survey is before a new product or service is launched, during its development, and after it has been launched. You can also conduct them after adding a new feature or making changes to an existing feature of your product or service.

How do I run a B2B oncology survey?

To run a B2B oncology survey, you will need an online survey tool. There are many available from which to choose but make sure to do some background research before choosing one.

Next, create your template for the questions in your survey. You can do this by combining existing templates or creating something completely new based on what you want to know in your B2B oncology survey. Once you've got all of that figured out, send out the survey via email using an automation tool like MailChimp. This way everyone who receives it knows exactly what you're asking of them.

Finally comes analysis: once all responses have been collected and tallied up, analyse them to see if any trends emerge.

How to create an oncology survey template

To create an effective B2B oncology survey template, you'll need to make sure that the template is user-friendly and easy to understand. The first step in creating your own survey template is choosing the right survey design for your business. There are many different types of templates available online. So, it's important that you choose one that fits your objectives best.

Let's look at some steps you can follow when designing a B2B oncology survey template:

1: Identify the questions that are most important for your business.

2: Plan out how you will distribute the survey, who will be in charge of collecting responses, and when the responses will be due.

3: Create an email campaign or other messaging that encourages participation in the survey.

4: Collect responses from customers and potential customers through email, phone calls, or other methods of communication that work best for your company and its audience (for example, social media).

5: Analyse results so that they can inform future decisions about product development, and marketing initiatives.

When used correctly, B2B oncology surveys can be a valuable and insightful tool.

Why should my business run a B2B oncology survey?

There are many reasons to run a B2B oncology survey. Understanding your customers better will help you provide them with the best possible service, and make sure they're as satisfied with your product or service as possible.

  • A survey helps you understand your customers better.
  • It allows you to provide them with an effective customer experience that meets their needs. This is crucial when it comes to retaining them as loyal customers over time!
  • It allows businesses to make sure their products or services are meeting customer expectations. This way they can ensure that their brand remains strong among its target market (and beyond).
  • A survey helps businesses identify areas of improvement in products or services currently offered.
  • Understanding customer satisfaction and loyalty. A well-designed oncology survey will allow businesses to gauge their customers' level of satisfaction with their products or services. This gives businesses an opportunity not only to improve their offerings but also to create loyal customers.

You can use a B2B oncology survey to:

  • Understand customer needs. A survey allows you to gather feedback from current and potential customers about their preferences, priorities, and experiences with the products or services provided by your business. You can use this information to develop new products or services that may be of interest to the customer community as a whole.
  • Measure customer satisfaction and loyalty. A survey is also an effective way of measuring how well your company meets the needs of its customers. It also allows you to determine whether those needs are being met consistently across all demographics. You can also compare these metrics over time so that you can make adjustments based on trends uncovered during analysis. One example of such a statistic may be "Our average score for satisfaction has dropped by 2% since last year".

Some use cases of a B2B oncology survey

The importance of a B2B oncology survey is to understand the needs and requirements of customers in order to help you develop better products. It helps you understand what customers are looking for and what they expect from you. This is important because it helps you remain competitive and stay ahead of competitors. It also helps you know what kind of marketing strategies to use or what kind of advertisements to create. Below, let's look at some use cases of a B2B oncology survey.

Measuring customer satisfaction and loyalty

Every business wants to know how satisfied its customers are, but it's not always easy to find out. One of the best ways is by using surveys, which can be used to measure customer satisfaction or loyalty. 

You can use a customer satisfaction and loyalty survey to measure the overall satisfaction of your customers. This will help you understand what they like about your product, how often they use it, and more importantly, whether or not they would recommend it to their friends or colleagues.

Your goal should be determining whether customers feel positively towards your products or services versus those that your competitors offer.

Getting feedback from current customers

When you're running a B2B oncology survey, one of the most important things to consider is getting feedback from current customers. This can be an effective way for you to understand what they like about your product or service and how it could be improved.

Here are some tips for asking for feedback:

  • Keep it simple, don't ask too many questions at once!
  • Ask open-ended questions so people can freely express themselves in their responses, instead of just choosing from a list of options (which may not reflect their true feelings).
  • Make sure that every question has answer options that are easy to understand
  • Make sure that you have a way to get in touch with each respondent after they've taken your survey. This can be via email or phone calls.

Identifying areas of improvement in products or services

You can use a B2B oncology survey as an opportunity for customers to share their experience with a specific product or service. Additionally, they can give feedback on how well it meets their needs. After receiving this information, you can examine the results and see if there are any recurring themes among respondents that would indicate an area for improvement within your business's offerings. If so, then take action by making changes based on these findings. Some common areas of improvement include:

  • adding more training materials for staff members who interact directly with customers at certain points during the sales cycle;
  • improving customer service training;
  • adding new features (or removing existing ones) based on what people say they like most/least about what they've purchased from you before.

Understanding customer preferences to develop new products or services that serve your whole set of customers

Example of a question that could be asked in a B2B oncology survey: "If there were a new way for patients and healthcare providers to communicate about treatment options, would you be interested in using it?"

If you're a healthcare provider, a B2B oncology survey might help you understand your customers better. This is so that you can provide them with the best possible service and make sure they're as satisfied with your product or services as possible.

A B2B oncology survey can help you understand what your customers want and need. It can also help you understand how they use your products or services, and whether they're satisfied with the level of customer service they receive from you. In this way, a B2B oncology survey can help improve the quality of the services you provide to your clients.

Summing up thoughts on a B2B oncology survey

A B2B oncology survey is a valuable tool that can help you understand your customers better. It helps you understand customer needs, satisfaction, and loyalty. It can also help you get feedback from current customers. This information will assist in creating better products for the future.


In conclusion, B2B oncology surveys are a valuable tool that can be used to gain insights into B2B stakeholders. They can help you understand their needs, preferences, and attitudes toward your products or services. Additionally, they can even identify areas of improvement in those offerings. When used correctly, these types of surveys can be an insightful way for businesses to improve their bottom lines. Curious to learn more? Check out our article on B2B survey questions to ask.

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