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What goes into a commercial due diligence report

Learn what goes into a commercial due diligence report

Feb 9, 2023
B2B market research
B2C market research


A commercial due diligence report is a detailed assessment of an existing or prospective business. The purpose of a commercial due diligence report is to evaluate the quality and prospects of your business. It will help you learn about the true condition of your business so that you can make smart decisions when it comes to buying or selling. Learn more about due diligence here.

What goes into a commercial due diligence report?

A commercial due diligence report is a comprehensive analysis of an asset's history, current condition, and future outlook. The following is an overview of what goes into a commercial due diligence report.

Commercial due diligence is an important part of any deal because it allows you to fully understand the business and its financials. This way, you can be sure that you are investing in something that will succeed in the long run.

In a commercial due diligence report, you typically write about the following:

-The history of the company

-The management team

-The products and services being provided by the company

-Financials and growth projections

A commercial due diligence report is a document that provides detailed information about a business you're considering purchasing.  You can use the information in the report to help you make an informed decision on whether or not you want to proceed with the purchase.

Commercial due diligence is important because it can help you avoid making bad purchases, and ensure that if you do decide to buy a business, it's a good investment.

The information included in the report varies depending on what is required by law, but it typically includes:

1) An overview of the company

2) Financial statements for at least three years (if available)

3) A list of major customers and suppliers

4) A description of current and future markets for the company's products or services; market trends; key competitors' strengths and weaknesses; pricing strategy; advertising plans; pricing strategy; advertising plans; distribution strategy; product development plans; new technologies that competitors develop.

5) A summary of any legal proceedings against the company

How to get started with commercial due diligence?

The first step in getting a commercial due diligence report is to establish your goals. Do you want the report to serve primarily as an educational tool, or do you need it for making decisions? What kind of information is most important for your business plan or investment decision?

Once you answer these questions, it's time to get down to business. You can then look into finding a partner who can conduct a thorough and effective commercial due diligence investigation. The best way to do this is by asking around among industry peers and colleagues who might have used such services in the past; word-of-mouth recommendations are often the best source of information when choosing an expert, so don't hesitate!

Once you have a list of commercial due diligence questions, you can begin to organise them into a logical order. This will help make your report easier to read and understand.

You should also be sure that each question has an answer that is relevant, accurate, and complete. 

What is commercial due diligence?

Commercial due diligence is the process of investigating a business to determine its suitability for investment. It typically involves performing background checks on the company, analysing its financial statements, and reviewing contracts with vendors or customers.

A commercial due diligence report is a document that summarises all of this information in one place so that investors can easily understand what they're getting into before making an investment decision.

Commercial due diligence is a detailed assessment of an existing or prospective business. The commercial due diligence report provides you with a complete picture of the true condition of your business and its prospects for success.

A thorough review can help you make better decisions about buying, selling, or expanding your company. It will also give you insight into how well-positioned your firm is for future growth opportunities in the marketplace.

How is a typical commercial due diligence report structured?

The report will have several main sections, each with its own purpose and focus. The first section is a summary of what you're buying. It's written in plain language that anyone can understand, and it covers the basics: what kind of business you're buying, where it operates, how big it is (in terms of revenue), and why now is a good time to purchase this particular asset.

The second part of your due diligence report will typically focus on financials. How much money is coming into or going out of the company? What are its key metrics? How profitable are they? What kind of debt does it hold? How much cash does it have on hand at any given moment in time? These questions may seem basic but they're important because knowing where all those dollars come from will help determine whether or not purchasing this asset makes sense for your company over time.

The third part addresses legal issues like contracts between companies involved in sale negotiations (if applicable), warranties provided by sellers prior to or after the closing date; environmental liabilities associated with the property being purchased such as asbestos removal costs, etc.

The report structure is important. It should be organised in a way that makes it easy to understand and follow, so you can quickly get to the information that's relevant to your needs. 

You can learn a lot about a business through commercial due diligence reports, including:


-Business operations and performance, including the market share and sales trends

-Competitive environment

-The business’s current and future plans

A commercial due diligence report also includes an executive summary which is a short and concise report that answers the question: "What do you need to know?" The purpose of an executive summary is to provide an overview of the main findings in your report.

The structure of an executive summary will vary depending on what type of report you are creating, but there are some key elements that should be included in every report:

  • Introduction: This includes a brief introduction about how your client came to hire you for this project and why they need it done now (i.e., why now). It also sets up what's coming next in your document by describing what information will be covered within each section or chapter or section heading. 
  • Findings & Recommendations: This section summarises all findings from each section heading below with recommendations for further action based on those findings (if applicable).

You can learn a lot about a business through a commercial due diligence report

A commercial due diligence report is a detailed assessment of an existing or prospective business. It can help you learn about the true condition of your company so that you can make better decisions about its future.

A commercial due diligence report can contain information on:

  • The legal status of the business (e.g., whether it's incorporated).
  • Financial statements and other financial data, such as cash flow statements, balance sheets, income statements, and debt ratios. 

How to write a commercial due diligence report? 

The first thing you need to do when preparing your report is to determine what it's going to contain, as well as how much information will be included in each section. What kind of information do you want your client or potential buyer to have at their disposal? Are there any specific topics that you should cover? Do they want an overview of the market conditions surrounding the asset, or would they prefer more detailed financial statements and projections? Once these questions have been answered, it will be easier for you as an analyst (and ultimately for your client) to know what type of data you need to collect during this stage.

Some questions to ask before you conduct commercial due diligence

You should be asking yourself these questions:

  • Is my business making as much money as it can?
  • Are there any areas of my business that need improvement, and how can I improve them?
  • Would a commercial due diligence report benefit me and help me reach my goals for this company?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then a commercial due diligence report can help. It will give you the information you need to make an informed decision about whether or not it’s time for you to sell your business.

You may be asking yourself, "What is due diligence?" According to Investopedia, it's an "investment analysis conducted by a prospective buyer or investor on a company or its assets before buying the company." This can include research into the financial state of a business. However, there are also other types of due diligence that you might not know about. For example:

  • Commercial Due Diligence (CDD) is used when buying or selling property as opposed to stock in a company. It involves looking at zoning laws and other legal issues related to land use so that you don't end up buying something illegal or unable to be developed easily.
  • Environmental Due Diligence (EDD) involves researching whether there are any environmental hazards present on the property being considered for purchase, such as asbestos contamination from old building materials.

Commercial due diligence is a detailed assessment of an existing or prospective business

Companies make use of due diligence to assess the current and future viability of a business and make informed decisions about the purchase or sale of a business.

The commercial due diligence report includes information on:

  • The legal structure of your target company (e.g., corporation, partnership)
  • Any existing litigation against your target company
  • Financial statements such as balance sheets; income statements; cash flow statements; ratios like profit margins or return on assets

What is a commercial due diligence report?

A commercial due diligence report is a detailed assessment of an existing or prospective business. It can help you make more informed decisions about your business, and it can help you make your business more profitable and successful.

A commercial due diligence report will include the following:

  • An analysis of the company's financial statements, including any recent changes in its revenues or expenses that may have occurred since they were last audited by an auditor (if applicable). This can help determine whether there are any red flags that you should address before entering into a contract with the seller. For example, let's say that a company has had declining sales over several years. However, it still has high debt levels relative to its assets and low cash flow from operations compared to its level of debt service costs (i.e., interest payments), this would indicate that something might be wrong with how they're operating its business.

What are some of the questions included in a commercial due diligence report?

A commercial due diligence report should answer the following questions:

  • What is the business' history? Has it been in operation for a long time, or has it just started up? If you're looking at an established company, you'll want to know its performance over time. You might also be interested in how long it took for them to reach profitability. Additionally, you may want to know how often they've had any significant changes in management or ownership during that period.
  • What is the financial situation of this company? How much cash do they have on hand at any given time; how much debt do they owe; What are their capital expenditures (expenditures related directly toward building up assets) compared with operating expenses (costs incurred while running day-to-day operations)? These figures will help determine whether there's enough money left over after paying off debts. Learn how to assess the financial situation of a company in this post.

Why should you even get a commercial due diligence report?

  • A commercial due diligence report is a detailed assessment of an existing or prospective business.
  • It can help you make better-informed decisions about whether to invest in a company and if so, at what price.

The key focus of a due diligence report is to assess whether a business will be successful. For example, you may want to invest in an online bookstore that’s planning to launch in the next few months. You might hire a third party to do an analysis of its business plan and competitor analysis.

How can a commercial due diligence report help you make your business more profitable and successful?

A commercial due diligence report can help you make better decisions, avoid costly mistakes and get a better price for your business.

When buying or selling a business, there are many things to consider. Is the market in this industry going up or down? Who are the competitors? What kind of financing options are available? How does this business fit into my overall investment strategy? A commercial due diligence report will give you answers to these questions and more. This is so that when it comes time for closing on your deal (or agreeing on terms), everything goes smoothly without any surprises along the way.

You can learn more about a commercial due diligence report here: ‘How to write a commercial due diligence report

A commercial due diligence report can help you learn about the true condition of your business

It can also help you avoid making bad decisions, such as investing in an opportunity that isn't likely to succeed.

A commercial due diligence report is a detailed assessment of an existing or prospective business. The goal is to provide information about every aspect of the business so that investors can make informed decisions regarding whether or not they should invest in it (or continue investing).

This kind of report can help you learn about the true conditions of a business. It's an unbiased, third-party analysis that gives you insight into everything from financials to market potential and competition.

Here are some reasons why it's important:

-Helps you better understand the financial health of a business

-Helps you make informed decisions about whether to buy or sell the business

-Provides a snapshot of what's working, what isn't, and how to improve

If you’d like more resources on this topic, please don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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