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What questions can you ask in a survey for healthcare professionals?

Learn the different kinds of questions you can ask in a survey for healthcare professionals

Jan 3, 2023


In this article, we'll be exploring the use of surveys for healthcare professionals. Researchers use a survey for healthcare professionals to gather information about people's experiences with different aspects of healthcare. These can be about experiences with medical devices and software, as well as their attitudes towards certain topics like quality and safety.

A healthcare professional survey is a tool designed to collect data from a group of healthcare professionals. Companies use a survey for healthcare professionals to assess different types of information, including:

-The number of patients seen per day

-Number of hours worked per week

-Amount of time spent on administrative tasks

-The amount of time spent with patients

-Patient satisfaction levels

Survey respondents may include doctors, nurses, technicians, and other healthcare workers who interact with patients on a regular basis. These professionals can provide valuable insight into how well the health system is working for everyone involved, including patients themselves!

Here, we'll explore the many different types of questions that you can ask in a survey for healthcare professionals. Bear in mind though, that survey questions will ultimately be determined by the objective of the research. However, in this blog post, we've explored some common themes of questions that one can ask in a survey for healthcare professionals.

What are your main concerns about the quality and safety of healthcare services?

As you prepare to collect data, it's important to consider what your survey respondents are most concerned about. The following list includes some common concerns:

  • Quality of care: This includes issues like accurate diagnosis, appropriate treatment, and effective communication between providers and patients.
  • Safety of healthcare services: Patients want to know that they're safe during procedures or while receiving medical care. For example, if a patient is undergoing surgery or being treated in a hospital, they want to know that the facility has an up-to-date disaster plan ready in case something goes wrong (like a fire).
  • Access to care: Patients need access to quality healthcare providers who have expertise in their condition(s). Many people also look for convenience in healthcare services. For instance, if there are multiple options available within driving distance from home or work then people will perceive these options as more accessible than those further away from home or work. This is because it takes less time and money for patients who live nearby to reach the clinic versus those who don't live close by.

To sum up, the above are examples of some questions to ask in a survey for healthcare professionals.

Pandemic-related questions in a survey for healthcare professionals

The pandemic showed us that any vulnerability in our healthcare system could have a wide and far-reaching impact on health, economic conditions, and the overall progress of nations. Naturally, it tends to be a popular topic in a survey for healthcare professionals. (Read more about the impact of the pandemic here.)

Even before the pandemic, healthcare professionals had to deal with a lot of stressful situations, so it’s no surprise that they are more likely than other employees to experience stress-related symptoms such as high blood pressure and sleep problems. That’s why it's important for hospitals and clinics to know how the employees feel about their jobs.

A good way to do this is by running surveys that ask employees about their work environment and any challenges they face in their day-to-day operations. This will give the hospital or clinic an idea of how to improve their workplace culture so that employees can feel more satisfied with their jobs and less stressed out.

Let's see below some examples of questions to ask in such a survey:

  • How has the pandemic affected the way you work?
  • Has the pandemic affected the working hours or not?
  • How has the pandemic affected your working environment?
  • Describe how the pandemic affected your working conditions. Has it impacted your workload?
  • What is your role at work during this time of crisis?

Additionally, you can ask slightly personal-level questions in your survey for healthcare professionals such as:

  • How has the pandemic affected your family?
  • Describe how the pandemic affected your relationship with friends.
  • How has the pandemic affected your social life?
  • Tell us how the pandemic affected your stress levels.

Are there any training courses you'd like to see implemented?

Training courses are a really good way to improve skills, and they can be provided by employers or other organisations. You might want to think about the type of training that would be beneficial for this particular workforce. For example, you could offer formal classroom learning or online tutorials. Healthcare companies can also provide training as part of a job role or as a separate course. This question will allow you to assess the training needs of your healthcare professionals.

In the case of medical staff, you might want to consider training in areas such as communication skills or conflict management. It’s important that healthcare workers feel comfortable communicating with each other and their patients. Organisations can improve this aspect through training courses.

Do you feel you have enough protective equipment at your workplace?

Medical equipment, including protective gear, is often a popular topic in a survey for healthcare professionals. A survey regarding protective equipment can help determine whether healthcare professionals are comfortable wearing the appropriate protective clothing required for their job, such as face shields, respirators, and gloves. It also helps assess how well their employer has supplied them with adequate supplies of these items. This is so that they don't have to use personal belongings like towels or shirts as substitutes for proper gear (which could cause cross-contamination).

Which types of communications from providers do you find most useful?

If you're a healthcare organisation wanting to know your employees' sentiments, you can also run a survey for healthcare professionals. A survey with questions like the following will give you an idea of what types of communications your healthcare staff finds most useful:

  • Information about new treatments and their success rates
  • Data about new drugs and their side effects
  • Information about new equipment and its efficiency in saving time/money/lives
  • The same for software, such as EMRs (electronic medical records) or CRM systems (customer relationship management)

This information can help you determine which types of messages are more likely to share or act upon.

You can also ask your staff what types of communications they find most helpful. You may also want to ask them how often they would like to receive messages like these. In addition, you may want to know if there are any other topics they would like covered in future communications.

Some examples of admin-related types of questions in a survey for healthcare professionals include:

  • Your organisation's quality management system.
  • Other appropriate processes for reporting concerns about patient care delivered by healthcare professionals in your organisation. 

Which communications from providers do you find least useful?

Nurses, lab technicians, and healthcare professionals have a lot of information coming their way. Some of it will be useful and some less so. You can extract any relevant information from these professionals through a survey for healthcare professionals.

So what kinds of questions can you ask? Well, you want to get at what communications from providers are least useful for any given role, who are the providers in your network who don't send anything useful? And what exactly makes their communications less than useful? Is it because they're too salesy and do not have enough educational content? Or is it because they aren't sending anything at all (and why)?

In addition, if you're a provider, what kinds of communications do you send that are most useful for your patients? And how can you improve them so they're even more useful?

Medical-equipment related questions in a survey for healthcare professionals

When using a new medical device or software, which issues would be most important for you to know about and understand in order to be able to use it confidently and effectively?

  • The purpose of the device.
  • The intended use of the device.
  • The risks and benefits of using the device.
  • How to use the device safely (including troubleshooting).

Healthcare surveys for professionals are used in many different ways

Surveys can be used in many different ways, but they all have the same goal: to gather information. You may want to use a survey to get information about a specific product or service, or you might want to find out how much people are satisfied with their experiences with that product or service. You might also ask your customers about their opinion on certain topics related to your business, such as what kind of payment methods they prefer when paying for healthcare.

Surveys can also be used as an effective communication tool between healthcare professionals and patients or clients or customers. Surveys allow healthcare organisations the opportunity to measure and evaluate patient satisfaction with their services. This process in turn helps improve the quality of care by identifying areas where improvement is needed so providers know what changes need to take place in order for patients to receive better service next time around!

Surveys can help identify problems before they become too big to handle and solve them before they become issues that cost you money or hurt the reputation of your company.

Where to find more information on surveys for healthcare professionals?

A survey for healthcare professionals is different from a survey for the general public because it's focused on the specific needs of healthcare professionals. For example, a survey for healthcare professionals should ask questions like "What are your biggest challenges with managing your practice?" or "What do you wish you could do better in your practice?"

The biggest challenge to a survey for healthcare professionals is that they are often busy and have little time to answer surveys.

A survey for a healthcare professional is a great way to gather feedback on your products or services. It is also a great way to gather feedback from your customers about their experience with your business, which can be helpful for making improvements on areas that need work and in general keeping up-to-date on what customers think of the products or services they receive.


A survey is a tool that can be used in many different ways, but the most common use is to gather information about a particular topic. A survey for healthcare professionals could be used, for example, to determine how satisfied patients are with their care or how easy it is for them to get an appointment with their doctor.

For healthcare professionals, surveys present some unique challenges. First of all, there's the fact that patients are often reluctant to give honest answers because they don't want to appear critical or ungrateful. This can make it difficult to get a clear picture of what patients actually think about their healthcare experience. Also, healthcare professionals often work in environments where there are many other factors influencing patient satisfaction (such as whether or not someone else in the waiting room has just fainted), so it's important to isolate those factors so they don't skew the results.

As you can see, surveys are a very powerful tool for healthcare professionals. They can help hospitals and clinics improve their quality of care by providing them with valuable insight from within their own staff. This helps identify areas companies need to make changes in order for patients to receive the best possible treatment on every visit!

Wondering how to participate in these kinds of surveys? Check out our post 'How to participate in surveys for healthcare professionals’. Or simply sign up here to begin receiving paid survey opportunities!

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